why phlite?

What sets us apart from all the other companies out there who offer the same services as we do? We believe difference between us and all the other online agencies is our ability to remain approachable whilst still being very technically skilled.

We have previously worked in tandem with a number of other development companies and whilst being very capable, none of them have the ability to effectively communicate what they are doing to either ourselves or the client.

Our intention is to bridge that gap, offering you the same expert service but leaving you knowing exactly what is happening with your project. We want you to know you can approach us and speak with us whenever you need, without being blinded or confused by technical language.

meet the team

Everything we do at Phlite involves input from the entire team. In order to do what we do, we need a special team of people who can work together to deliver what our clients deserve - a great service. All done in the way that we like to work with our clients.

Our developers are highly skilled and approachable so you can speak directly to them. Our designers are creative and innovative, and can help form and visualise your ideas. The team is backed up by Accounts and IT Support to complete the service.

Each member of the Phlite team brings with them a unique set of skills, and together we believe we can deliver an exceptional service to you and your business. Most importantly we enjoy what we do, and we believe that shows in our work.


Managing Director & Developer

With over 10 years' experience in website design and development, Phil heads up the team at Phlite. Founding the company in 2010, he has always worked on the basis that being technically skilled is a great asset, but being able to communicate it and apply it in the real world is the key.

Phlite has been built on this ethos, and we continue to develop the business around the basis of being both technical AND approachable.



Our newest member of the team, Billy graduated with a degree in Computing and Web Development before joining Phlite. With experience from all elements of the project life cycle, Billy brings a wide range of skills from initial design through to front end development to help enhance Phlite’s skillset and what we offer.

With an eagerness to try new things and learn new skills, Billy fits the Phlite mould perfectly.

Unfortunately he is an Arsenal fan, but we all have issues don’t we



Forming the other half of our design team, Keith brings a huge amount of experience and creativity to our team. Having worked with some of the biggest agencies in London, Keith has experience working with some huge brands and his variety of work shows this.

A specialist in branding, typography and digital design, Keith brings another dimension to our creative offering and is a valuable member of the team.



When forming our creative team we were looking for people who can offer something special, and thats exactly what Andy offers. With over 12 years' experience in Design and the Creative Industries, Andy is an expert in branding, print and digital design.

In addition, Andy has excellent knowledge of user interaction and interface design meaning his work is not only creative, but also focussed on the end user, and how they will be using it.



Heading up our accounts team is Nic, who makes sure all our finances are up-to-date and in place. If we are being honest, Nic does a lot more than just our accounts by making sure all our work is organised and logged correctly

Nic works for Phlite part time, and is also a fully qualified Children's Nurse so has plenty to keep her hands full!


IT Support

Everything we do at Phlite is reliant on technology, and the equipment and software we all use. In charge of all our infrastructure and setup is Martin and he is the unsung hero behind everything we do.

Martin has over 8 years' experience in IT, and he is responsible for all the systems we use, and making sure we are up and running 24/7.

our charity work

Life Geta


Life Geta is a support group based in Hertfordshire, which has been setup to address the emotional effects of suddenly finding yourself in a body that doesn’t do what it used to do, because of an acquired/sudden disability (e.g. head injury or stroke) or diagnosis (e.g. MS or Parkinsons).

Setup by Sue Ross, LifeGeta run regular workshops and discussion groups to offer support and information to people who need it. It has proved a great success, and is growing fast due to the excellent reviews and feedback that Sue receives.

We are pleased to announce that Phlite will be supporting LifeGeta and making regular donations to help them expand and develop. Under Sue’s guidance we have no doubt it will be a great success and offer help to more and more people. We are proud to offer our support.

LCF is the Community Foundation for London. It is one of 57 Community Foundations across the UK and is part of a movement that spans the globe, with more than a 1,000 Community Foundations in 46 countries.

Community Foundations are charities dedicated to strengthening local communities, creating opportunities and tackling issues of disadvantage and exclusion. Community Foundations target grants that make a genuine difference to the lives of local people. They manage funds donated by individuals and organisations, build endowment and act as a link between donors and local needs.

LCF are one of our current clients, and we have built and maintained their websites for quite a while now. When we were first approached we wanted to contribute to the charity in some way, so we decided to offer to host all the LCF websites on our servers at no charge. We thought this money could be better put to use through one of their initiatives and are happy to contribute to their very worthy cause.

we also support other causes

Specially Dedicated

Specially Dedicated

In support of the charity Macmillan Cancer Support we were involved in the design and development of the Specially Dedicated website. Specially Dedicated is a Music festival aimed at raising as much money as possible for the charity. The festival ran with great success again last year and they raised thousands of pounds for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Virgin Active Triathlon

Virgin Active Triathlon

A good friend of ours Craig Nicol entering into the Virgin Active London Triathlon in order to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Aiming for a completion time of around 5 hours, Craig totally surpassed that by finishing in 4 hrs, 3 minutes and 10 seconds! We were happy to contribute to an overall amount of £1200 raised by Craig

Pretty Muddy

Pretty Muddy

Our very own Accounts Manager Nic, ran the 5km obstacle cause in order to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Despite getting caked in mud and dirt, Nic completed the course successfully and raised over £320 in the process - an amazing effort and one we were glad to contribute to.

Movember @ Phlite

Movember @ Phlite

In order to raise money for mens cancer charities, we formed a team of friends, clients and colleagues and took part in the international event that is Movember. This involves growing a moustache (or Mo) for the month of November, and not shaving it off at any point. Great fun, if a little embarrassing! We setup a live web feed of images and comments to encourage donations we raised just under £500

Mount Snowden

Mount Snowden

When the pupils from Class 12A at Samuel Whitbread Academy approached us asking for sponsorship to climb Mount Snowden, we were more than happy to be involved. Organised by the pupils themselves, and supported by their teachers they arranged and completed the climb raising over £800 in the process - outstanding effort.

London Marathon

London Marathon

When we found out our good friend Chris Cripps was going to be running the London Marathon we were keen to offer sponsorship. Chris finished in a hugely impressive 3 hours and 14 minutes - so our donation was very hard earned and deserved! Chris was running for Scotties Little Soldiers – a charity setup to supporting the children of men and women killed whilst serving in the British Armed Forces.

London Marathon

London Marathon

We are really pleased to have sponsored Michelle Pigram running the Virgin London Marathon 2016 in order to raise money for the local charity Bedfordshire Downs Syndrome Support Group. Michelle breezed to the finish in 4hr 38min – well done!